Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mish -Mash, Hodge - Podge

And Left Over Bologna

About five months ago, quite by chance, I entered into the world of blogging. While checking out another blog I noticed the invitation, in top right corner, to start a blog and even though I hardly knew what a blog was I took that invite and entered into the unknown (at least for me). I admitted at that time my lack of computer skills (I could barely turn it on and off) and asked anyone who happened upon it to give me a chance to improve. Have I made any progress? You be the judge. One of the most important things I have learned is that even after posting my writings on the blog I can got back and edit them so if you find something that is wrong one day it may have been corrected the next day.
When I was asked for a title for my newly created blog I decided to use part of the title I had used for a short (less than ten pages) genealogy article which was meant to refute some of the claims of other family members. That full title was "Mish - Mash, Hodge - Podge, Stray Thoughts and Left Over Bologna. Even though I picked "Stray Thoughts" I could just as well have used "Left Over Bologna".

I am an Independent in politics and maybe too much so in many other ways therefore I tend to look at most issues as not being totally black or white but, as they say, somewhere in the gray area and have tried to keep my postings somewhat neutral but sometimes (and more so lately) I have been inclined to take sides. Mostly, but not always, one side is not totally right and the other side totally wrong. I guess what I am trying to say is that there is nearly always, at least, a little good in everybody.

Next Sunday will be Independence Day therefore my next posting will be on that subject but will mainly consist of a letter written to one of our local weekly newspapers by Bill Browder. I just happened to come into possession of a copy of that letter and already know it contains a poem titled "The Spirit of America" which, in my opinion goes well with this occasion.

Several months ago I came across a poem written about our early history and the men and women who made it. I believe the title was "America's Heroes" and was written by some famous person named "Anonymous". As I remember it one verse was something like this;

They came, they saw, they conquered / thinking not from whence they came / they fought their way to hell and back / but we can't even recall their names.

If nothing happens to me between now and then my next posting will be next Wednesday and will be about our greatest holiday. Stay tuned. Thanks - William

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