Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mohammed Revisited

Mohammedanism (Islam)

In an earlier posting dated May 15, 2010 and titled "What is this World Coming To", I quoted from the book "Outline of History" found in the series "Pocket Library of the World's Essential Knowledge", one paragraph which states that; "In Medina a vision came from God to Mohammed, at a convenient hour, informing him that if his countrymen will not be persuaded by fair words then the sword must be the instrument of their salvation. Then came the era of bloody evangelism -- Soon after Mohammed's death the Moslems began their holy war against the pagens and more particularly against the infidels, meaning the Hebrews and Christians". Convert by the sword or die by the sword. Does that sound familiar? Isn't history repeating itself today? I first used this passage in a letter to the Daily Corinthian in Corinth, Mississippi on December 20, 2007.

In my last posting I wrote about the prophecy (if I may call it that) of George Santayana when he said "Those who can not remember the past are destined to repeat it" and a speech made by General of the Army George C. Marshall where he said; "If we elect again to depend on whims and error of potential enemies, we will be carrying the treasure and freedom of this great nation in a fragile bag". I have repeated these parts of an earlier letter and posting for only one reason, that is, that bag is more fragile today than it was, even at the last posting and is becoming more fragile every day. Anyone interested in learning more about Mohammed and Mohammedanism (Islam) can go on the internet and probably find out more than you want to know.
Mohammed was born about AD 570 and died in AD 632. At the time of his death all of Arabia had been converted to Islam and the incredible speed with which the new religion conquered the vast empires within a century has always baffled western man (but remember they used the sword to convert or kill their enemies). In AD 634 (two years after Mohammed's death) they conquered the Byzantine Empire, in AD 637 it was Babylonia, AD 645 Egypt, AD 643 Libya and Persia in Ad 65o. That sweep would have probably included Israel which was listed as Palestine on the AD 750 map. By AD 750 about everything from southern Spain up to and including Persia was controlled by Islam. I would speculate that now we know why the Israelites are having so many difficulties holding on to the land that for thousands of years belonged to them.
But before we blame all the bloodshed on Mohammed, the Lord knows he deserves much of it, it wasn't until after his death that things got really bloody and as for the writing of the Koran (Qur'an) according to history it wasn't written until after his death. He was probably responsible for many of the verses, writings or stories told there-in.

This isn't exactly what I had planned to write about today but I changed my mind at the last minute and decided to wait 'til after the election (next Thursday) to say anything else about the unsigned political attack ad. After 11 days I did get a so-called answer from the editor of the paper. I will include all of it soon. Meanwhile ponder on what I have written here and check it out on the internet at: "True History of Islam Mohammed and the Koran". Thanks, stay tuned. - William

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