Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Passed

Just in time too

Christmas Time

When it's all over and everyone's gone but me / and there's not one single thing left under the Christmas Tree / I sit down and think it over and now Lord I'm asking Thee / is Christmas Time the Holy Time that it was meant to be.

From neccessity, this will be a shorter post than usual. Come to think of it, my postings have been getting shorter each week, running out of things to say, I guess. Christmas was yesterday and we didn't see anyone buy talked to most of the family by phone. North Carolina is expecting snow but not for Christmas. As the ex Governor of Arkansaw, Mike Huckabee, said I probably didn't get as much as I wanted but more than I deserved. I probably got enough books to last me through the winter.

There is still a lot in the news about Wal-Mart wanting to build in New York City and create thousands of good paying jobs. If they can do that why haven't they done it in Small Town, U.S.A. instead of bringing in cheap (inferior) merchandise from China and forcing our small businesses out? When they no longer have competiition they raise their prices. But, on the other hand, maybe New York deserves them.

It's still too close to Christmas to get too riled up so I'll let it go for today and get back on it later. I don't know when that will be but until then, thanks for listeninhg and your input. Stay tuned - William

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