Monday, January 10, 2011

Tragedy in Tucson

Many prayers are needed

For whatever reason, we didn't have our television on yesterday morning and when I turned it on about one o'clock pm the tragedy in Tucson was already in progress. Naturally, my first thoughts and prayers were that no one was seriously injured. As you already know, that's not the way it turned out but everyone involved, in any way, still need all our prayers. I can't even imagine what a person is thinking when they commit such an act but, as hard as it might be, we should all pray for the shooter too.

I have only seen Representative Giffords on television but from her coverage by the newsmedia she has almost become a household name and if I might be so bold I would like to send this out to her.

"To Gabby"

Last week I heard a man on the radio / preaching about the things we need to do / he said, you've got to pray for your fellow man / so this time, this one is just for you / Lord, may her next twenty years be as happy as the last / don't let the sparkle in her eyes fade away / may she never have a reason to doubt that You are with her / and send her an extra blessing today / never let her troubles be more than she can bear / then help her through the darkness before the dawn / and if the time should come when she thinks that You're not with her / Lord give her the strength to carry on / I've heard a lot of prayers in my lifetime / and through the years I've said more than a few / to help me through these troubled times we're living / but this time, this one is just for you."

The last twenty plus hours has been almost non-stop coverage of that shooting and if we can judge by the past it will go on for several more days yet. Early this morning I saw on the Fox News ticker a note that one policeman was killed and another wounded when they responded to a fight at a Baltimore, Md. nightclub and even though I haven't heard anything on the news about it yet I suppose it is true. Again I'll say, "What is this world coming too?" There's way too much anger on both sides, or all three, about the state of affairs in Washington but the place to take that anger is to the ballot box. If we don't like the way things are being done we can vote the rascals out but too many time it's the other party's rascal we want voted out.

Just a note on the Health Care Law which is usually called "Obamacare" that had been scheduled for a repeal vote next Wednesday the 12th of January. Because of the shooting in Tucson the House of Representatives, now controlled by Republicans, has deferred that vote indefinitely. That, in my opinion, was the right thing to do. We all know that it can't be repealed at this time and the Republicans should take this extra time to lay out, at least, an outline of a proposed bill to replace "Obamacare." That bill should include; Tort reform, Insurance across state lines, No pre-existing conditions, Children on parent's healthcare to 26, Help with donut hole, Absolutely no tax money for abortions or agencys that promote abortion, Federal oversight of insurance companies since the states don't seem to be doing their jobs and other points to be agreed on. Would that be too simple?

There is nothing I can add to the news coverage of that horrible event in Tucson so I'll let you get back to the television. Thanks for your time and input. Stay tuned, - William

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