Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Extra, Extra

Read some more

"Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread." That may be my fate today but I believe I should expand on the part of yesterday's posting which had to do with abortion. I said and I quote; "absolutely no tax money going for abortion except in certain cases." On the surface the issue of abortion appears to be divided into at least three parts and maybe a fourth which would be, "don't care one way or the other."

The three main divisions are pro-abortion, pro-choice and pro-life with the easiest of these for me to defend would naturally be pro-life. My belief is that no abortion should be performed except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. Because I believe that life begins at conception then, to me, an abortion would be murder. The United States Supreme Court ruled in the case of "Roe Versus Wade" that an abortion was constitutional and whether we agree with them or not that is still the law of the land.

Pro-choicers believe that regardless of constitution or law they have the right to an abortion if they so choose and they are right as long as "Roe V. Wade" remains the law of the land. The only way this law can be changed is by the Supreme Court and I can't see that happening in the near future or even in the mid-distant future. That case is probably closed.

As for pro-abortioners, I don't believe that takes a lot of explaining so I won't try very hard. A person who has been labeled as pro-abortion is not that much different from other divisions. The pro-abortion person tends to lean one way, the pro-lifer leans the other way and pro-choicer can lean in any direction with the don't care group just going on their own way. Of course the pro-abortion and pro-life groups have the law on their side.

The citizens of the United States are very widely split on the matter of abortion and even if you don't agree with the Supreme Court decision it is still, at this time, the law. There is nothing we can do to change this law except protest. The Constitution of the United States guarantees us the right of "Redress" (the right to express our grievances) but all those protest and the expressing of grievances should and must be done peacefully and with full regard to the rights of others.That is all that is expected of us.

The opinions expressed all all mine and I do so realizing that everyone else has the right to their own opinions. Thanks for your time and input. Stay tuned. - William

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