Or maybe two.
Last Wednesday night we sent the following e-mail to several, so called, news anchors (Fox News) with very little hope that it would even be acknowledged. So far, we were right.
"For the last several months, aided by the news media, there has been an attempt to perpetrate a giganic hoax on the American voters. All politicians and most of the media blame Social Securitry and Medicare for being, as they say, "the biggest drivers of our massive debt and deficits" which is completely false.
Granted, the borrowing of money to redeem those "Special Government Securities" (IOUs) from the "Social Security Trust Fund" in order to pay future benefits to retirees will cause more deficits and add over two and a half trillion dollars to the National debt but that is not the fault of either Social Security or Medicare. Our government took it upon themselves to manage the Trust Fund but it is their mis-management which is causing the problems. In the next ten to fifteen years all of those IOUs will be needed to pay retiree benefits. Even Representative Paul Ryan's proposed budget (without knowing what cuts would be made) does not go far enough. In my opinion, at the end of ten years the National debt will be over twenty trillion dollars. I have, several times, offered to return up to five percent of my Social Security check to the Trust Fund to be used to shore it up for future generations IF highly paid Federal workers will give back the same percentage of their salaries to pay down the National debt. Anyone would be welcome to join in. Please do some research on this subject or for more information go to - (williamlee100.blogspot.com)."
Thursday afternoon (April 28) We got a phone call from someone in Senator Alexander's office in response to our last e-mail, the one threatening to sit out the next election. After getting the trivia out of the way we had a very productive talk. We believe that we (us and him) agreed more than we disagreed. Basically, we explained our views on the status of Social Security and how it and Medicare were not the biggest drivers of our National debt and budget deficits and he agreed. (See e-mail above) Our main concern with getting the call is that it makes us wonder,why use the telephone when he could have returned our e-mail. Did he not want to leave a paper trail?
After the last two weeks of stormy weather all around us, we here on the hill have had several days of fairly nice weather. It is beginning to dry out enough to think about getting back to work. After seeing on television all the destruction and hearing about all the deaths associated with the tornadoes which swept through at least seven states here in the south then headed north to do more damage there, we wonder why it wasn't that bad here but at the same time we are thankful to have been spared. The weather forcasters say there is more on the way. We'll pray that it won't be as bad the next times. Meanwhile thanks for your time and input. Stay tuned. - William
Sunday, May 1, 2011
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Bill, you're exactly right RE: mismanagement of the entitlements. Keep up the good work!