Friday, May 20, 2011

The End of the World

According to who?

It has happened again - whatever it was. I had no intention of writing a blog posting this week or maybe forever but several times in the past ten days I have heard mentions as to how a television preacher (I can't recall his name) had done the math and arrived at the conclusion that the world would end on May 21, 2011. There has been so much talk about it that I decided it might be my last chance but probably not really.
When I first heard the preacher's explanation as to how he arrived at his conclusion that the world would end that particular day, I thought he was using the wrong numbers and if you begin with the wrong numbers it won't matter how accurate the multipliers are the answer will always be wrong.

Herod the Great was born about 74 b.c. and died about 4 b.c.. He became King of Judea in 40 b.c. and it was in the last year of his life that he ordered the "Massacre of the Innocents" in and around Bethlhem which was an attempt to kill Jesus because he (Herod) believed Him (Jesus) to be a threat to his Kingship. Therefore Jesus would have probably been born in 5 or 6 b.c., not in 1 a.d. as most people suppose.
When He was about 30 years old, Jesus began His teaching in towns around Galilee. That would have been about 25 a.d. and His crucifixion probably took place in late 28 or early 29 a.d.. I don't believe that is the dates that television preacher started with and besides that, there is no way to be sure how many years (or days) have passed since that day on Golgotha - " a crowd had gathered on the hill / to watch the valiant struggle / of a man carrying a heavy cross / along a busy highway // Thru tears and jeers it's moved along / upon the back of Simon / to the hill known as the skull / where men before had died / there they nailed Him to the cross / for all the world to see / Jesus who came to redeem our sins / that day was crucified." (From the poem "Jesus - Crucified") Another point is that no one knows when the end of time will come.

Here, on the hill, everything is going fairly well. Beans, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, weeds and grass all beginning to grow. Some more than others but that's life. Speaking of life, tomorrow probably won't be the end of the world and if it is it won't be because some human predicted it. To be ready for that time we should all live our lives as though it was the last day. As for me, I feel as though I am somewhat short of that goal. Thanks for your time and input. Stay tuned - William

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