Thursday, June 3, 2010

Disaster in the Gulf

One of the most glaring headlines in today's news is "Disaster in the Gulf" which, of course, referres to the (so-called) gulf oil spill. It appears to me that this spill has progressed to the point that it should now be called dumping, with no end in sight. It has now been predicted that the oil could go around the tip of Florida and up the East Coast, at least, as far as North Carolina. Lest we forget, we also have the "Global Warming" scenario which is promising dire results if we don't drastically change our way of life. And we won't even get into the results from damage done to our country by illegal immigration. There was a book published and copyrighted in 1983 by a Bill Browder which contains a poem that I find very approprate in these hectic times that we are living in. The title is "At the End of the Road" and is as follows:

In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth. And the earth brought forth grass and herbs yielding seed after his kind, and the trees yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself after his kind, and God saw that it was good. Gen. 1: 1, 12

Now there's a sign at the end of the road / that reads "Danger - Toxic Landfill" / but once you are there, there's no turning back / for our environment is fast sliding down hill / deep dark secrets are buried in the past / poisens that can destroy us all now / the future's not bright for the children we raise / and it's getting bleaker and bleaker somehow

Dump it in the river in the name of a buck / or in drums that are buried in the ground / let the acids seep out to kill our wildlife / and the chemicals spread all around / our government spends billions to clean it all up / throwing good money after bad so it seems / till not much is left of the things we hold dear / The Heart And Soul Of American Dreams.

And the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. Gen. 1: 2

I believe that is enough said, if we don't all wake up and smell the roses there is a very good chance that there will be no roses left to smell. I pray that all who read these words will truly think about them. Thank you, William Lee

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