Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yet Another Election

Has Gone Into the Books

"The election is over, the results are known / the will of the people has clearly been shown / so let's get together and show by our deeds / that we're all behind ----and will do what he needs / let's forget our differences, let bitterness pass / I voted early but my man still came in last."

I first heard the above poem, worded some what differently, just after the 1952 presidential election and was called, at that time, "Harry's Parting Poem." Anyone who remembers President Harry Truman can probably figure out that original last line.

When they get past the election, which is not often, there is talk in the news today about another stimulus (an incentive) package. If this election, with its record amount of money spent by all the candidates combined, didn't give a few incentives I don't know what it will take. One woman spent 140 million dollars of her own money in her campaign and still lost. On the surface it appears that the most of the first stimulus package was either wasted or stolen. It's hard to tell which. Do we need another one to fill the same pockets?

The next few days will probably be filled with, so-called, breaking news about the election but then everything will likely settle down and we'll get back to the economy and more jobs especially higher paying jobs. I know everyone needs a job that pays a living wage but even those will be hard to come by as long as we buy imports instead of American made. Again, I know that we can't completely quit buying imports but we do need to balance it out some and buy "America" now and then even if it cost a little more. You might be surprised how much difference it would make in our economy if everyone worked together on it.

I'll end this today with the question; "How Much Are You Willing To Give,"

"Up in the morning before the sun rises / off on the job all day / he'll still be working two weeks after he dies / that's what I heard someone say / but I believe that a man who is able to work / should depend not on his neighbors to live / for it's not what you get out of life that will count / but how much you are you willing to give?

Jesus gave it all that day on the cross / how much are you willing to give / before everything gained is counted for loss / how much are you willing to give / yes, Jesus gave it all that glorious day / when He died that we all might live / now He is waiting with His arms open wide / so how much are you willing to give?"

It's a rainy, dreary day here and there is nothing on TV but the results of yesterday's election which is the makings of a long day. Thanks for staying with me on this, stay tuned. - William

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