Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alpha - (The Beginning)

Omega - (The End)

"And if the blind leads the blind, both shall fall in the ditch."

Almost fifteen months ago we, here on the hill, embarked upon a journey into that great unknown (at least to us) world of the computer or to be more exact into web logs better known as "blogs". To us, not being computer literate, entering that vast unknown lurking somewhere out there in space, was somewhat like stumbling around in unfamiliar territory in total darkness, without a light.

In the beginning the sole purpose of this blog was to supply a format to jot down, as the title indicates, stray thoughts which we felt the need to record as something like a chronicle of our beliefs to be left as our views of an imperfect world. We have never deliberately set out to trash talk anyone or anything but to, whenever possible, point out the flaws to either or both sides of any given argument. Sometimes, we're sure, our bias shows through but it has been said that to err is human.

During the past fifteen months we have touched on many subjects, too many of them political, and after a slow start it has evolved into a twice a week chore. It's not that there isn't any controversial subjects lying around just waiting to be put down on paper but it is becoming increasingly harder to write about politics without getting depressed. Both, or all, sides in the debates appear to be losing sight of the prize, "Bi-partisanship", and are focusing on "What will this do for me". Please read, or re-read, the posting dated June 13, 2010 and titled "The Ditch". It was first written as a letter to a newspaper shortly after the 2006 election and updated at the time of posting by adding these words -"and the debacle of 2008". Is there a Daniel in the house?

During the last twenty-five to thirty years dozens of letter were written to various local and regional newspapers covering many of the subjects found in these postings. We have, at times, felt rather naive afterwards and have been called delusional for expressing some of our views. That could be true but after all that is someone else's view. We believe that our first published letters were in the Memphis papers but we soon moved up to our local and semi-local papers.

The title of this posting, "Alpha - (The Beginning)" and "Omega _ (The End)" may be more of a reality than was first thought because the subject of closing this blog down has been discussed here on the hill but there may be a few subjects out there in the future that we would want to address. We'll wait and see. We just came in from a walk around through the flowers and other greenery, admiring God's handiwork on a beautiful Easter morning. At this time, we pray for peace on earth and good will to all men. If we all join together it could happen. Meanwhile, thanks for your time and input. Stay tuned. - William

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